Episode 215 | Appointment Staging: Why it’s better to NOT try to fix it all in one day
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise introduces the concept of appointment staging, which emphasizes the importance of not feeling compelled to resolve all issues during

Episode 214 | Feeling Stressed? Get the eff off social media!
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the profound effects of social media on mental wellbeing. The conversation centers on the importance of self-reflection regarding

Episode 213 | Staying Empowered in Times of Chaos
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the critical theme of maintaining personal power during chaotic times, a subject that resonates deeply with her own

Episode 212 | The Keys To Happiness In VetMed- Part 3: Empower Yourself
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise wraps up a three-part series focused on the Keys of Happiness in Veterinary Medicine. The third key to happiness,

Episode 211 | The Keys To Happiness In VetMed- Part 2: Drop The Victim Identity
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of shedding the victim identity, a mindset that many professionals may not consciously recognize they embody.

Episode 210 | The Keys To Happiness In VetMed- Part 1: Own Your Emotion
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise reflects on her previous belief that emotions signify weakness, particularly in a profession that prioritizes logic and scientific reasoning.

Episode 209 | The Trap Of External Validation & How To Break Free
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the significant issue of external validation within the veterinary field and provides strategies for overcoming this challenge. External

Episode 208 | How Vet Techs Influence Veterinary Culture
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the critical role that veterinary technicians play in the veterinary field. She encourages listeners to express appreciation for

Episode 207 | TEAM- The Key To Sustainability in VetMed
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the essential role of support staff in veterinary medicine and emphasizes the significance of veterinary technicians, assistants, practice

Episode 206 | The Return of Lucy & Willow [WARNING: Woo Inside!]
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of reincarnation in relation to pets, a subject that may be difficult for those who adhere

Episode 205 | Organizational Culture- Whose Responsibility Is It, Anyway?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the critical topic of organizational culture within veterinary medicine, particularly in veterinary hospitals, which frequently lack a supportive

Episode 204 | You’re Only Human
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the unpredictability of veterinary practice, the impact of human errors, and the unrealistic pursuit of perfection. It emphasizes

Episode 203 | The REAL Reason People Ask YOU About Their Pets Outside Of The Hospital
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the common scenario where acquaintances ask veterinary professionals for pet advice outside of a clinical setting, often leading

Episode 202 | Living A Life Of Personal Alignment
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of living in alignment, which she elaborates on in her bestselling book “Radical Freedom.” Living in

Episode 201 | The 3 Indicators That You’re Headed For Burnout In Your Veterinary Career
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses burnout among veterinary professionals, highlighting three key indicators: consistently arriving early and staying late, skipping lunch breaks, and

Episode 200 | 12 Tips For Navigating Your Veterinary Career
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares twelve tips to inspire and empower listeners in their careers and personal lives. Key points include focusing on

Episode 199 | 5 Negative Aspects of Every Veterinary Career and How To Neutralize Them
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise, discusses five common negative aspects in veterinary careers and offers strategies to mitigate their impact on wellbeing. These aspects

Episode 198 | The First Five Years (critical reminders for newer grads & those who work with them)
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the challenges faced by new graduates in their first five years of practice, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance

Episode 197 | Belief Influence (A MUST-LISTEN EPISODE)
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise, discusses the impact of beliefs on life and career, using daylight saving time changes as an analogy to illustrate

Episode 196 | Being Offended
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of getting offended, particularly when clients do not follow veterinary recommendations. She emphasizes the importance of

Episode 195 | How Tunnel Vision Negatively Impacts Your Wellbeing
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of recognizing the diversity of experiences within the veterinary field and advises against generalizing based on

Episode 194 | Taking Charge: How to Have A Good Day Every Day
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise addresses how to handle a busy, stressful day in a veterinary clinic. Dr. Wise emphasizes

Episode 193 | Are you driving your clients away?
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Website: https://joyfuldvm.com VetMed; JOY CLUB https://joyfuldvm.com/joyclub ⭐Get The Alternative Career Guide for Veterinary Professionals: Create A Career

Episode 192 | Combatting The Sunday Scaries
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the phenomenon of “Sunday Scaries” or “Sunday Blues,” which refers to the feelings of anxiety and dread that

Episode 191 | Navigating Emotion in Veterinary Medicine
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares about navigating emotions in the field of veterinary medicine. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing emotions

Episode 190 | Are you REALLY fine, or are you settling?
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the habit of responding with “I’m fine” and the consequences of not considering how we really feel emotionally.

Episode 189 | It Was Always Going To Happen That Way
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares an update on the Bluebirds that nest on her deck each year including unexpected events, heartbreak and a

Episode 188 | Nurturing Resentment
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the negative effects of harboring resentment in our lives. She highlights five signs of nurturing resentment, and explains

Episode 187 | How Joyful DVM Helps Veterinary Professionals (Who we help and How we do it!)
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise takes shares how Joyful DVM supports veterinary professionals today and provides encouragement for anyone currently struggling in their lives

Episode 186 | Vision Casting & Letting Go
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of envisioning the life one desires and encourages listeners to consider all aspects of life such

Episode 185 | Reclaiming Your Identity
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of identity and its relevance to veterinary professionals. She notes that many individuals in the veterinary

Episode 184 | No Wasted Struggle
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of struggle and its impact on our lives. She emphasizes that struggles are a universal experience

Episode 183 | The Link Between Wellbeing & Navigating Resistance
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of resistance and how it is often mistaken for procrastination. Resistance occurs when we have a

Episode 182 | Time Off, Demons & Personal Alignment Clues
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares about the challenge she encountered when faced with unexpected time off from clinical practice. She explains how busyness

Episode 181 | The Positive (& Negative) Impacts of Community
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the positive and negative impacts of community on the lives and careers of veterinary professionals. Dr. Wise defines

Episode 180 | Who’s Got Your Back?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of having a support system and community in both personal and professional life. She emphasizes the

Episode 179 | Leaving Your Mistakes Behind
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the topic of mistakes and how they can hinder our progress if we don’t learn to release them.

Episode 178 | Connecting With What Moves You
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of recognizing and embracing the things that emotionally and energetically move us. Dr. Wise shares her

Episode 177 | Lies About Money That Keep You Stuck
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses six common money lies that keep people stuck. The first lie is that money creates safety, but it

Episode 176 | Navigating Unexpected Change
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses how people respond to unexpected change and shares her own experience of unexpectedly losing a staff member. Dr.

Episode 175 | Cultivating a Spiritual Connection in Vet Med
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the role of spirituality in veterinary medicine and the importance of reconnecting with animals to counteract the demands

Episode 174 | The Formula for Effective Reflection
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise provides a formula for effective reflection. The formula involves asking three questions, and then considering those questions through the

Episode 173 | Chasing Confidence
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses chasing confidence and its impact on our lives. She shares how many people seek external validation to feel

Episode 172 | Staying The Course
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise reflects on the importance of staying the course and not giving up, even when faced with challenges. Dr. Wise

Episode 171 | Choosing Vs. Deciding
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the difference between choosing and deciding, emphasizing that choosing opens up unlimited possibilities while deciding often limits options.

Episode 170 | Refusing Service
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the topic of refusing service to clients who come to veterinary hospitals while under the influence of drugs

Episode 169 | Can You Really Change Your Life?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the idea of whether it is possible to change one’s life. She emphasizes the importance of making small

Episode 168 | Prioritizing YOU!
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of prioritizing oneself, particularly in the demanding profession of veterinary medicine. Dr. Wise emphasizes the significance

Episode 167 | What Are You Committed To?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise reflects on her 50th birthday, and encourages self-reflection. She poses the question, “What are you committed to?” and shares

Episode 166 | Life Purpose
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of life purpose and its relationship to veterinary medicine. Dr. Wise emphasizes the importance of separating

Episode 165 | Tackling The Fear Of Negotiation
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the fear of negotiation when looking for a new job. She emphasizes the importance of approaching the job

Episode 164 | Energy Vampires: How Individual Anxiety Impacts Teams
“Energy vampires” are individuals who drain our energy and affect our emotions. As a veterinary professional, Dr. Cari Wise understands the significant impact anxiety and

Episode 163 | Getting Fired
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the topic of getting fired as a veterinary professional. Dr. Wise emphasizes that getting fired does not mean

Episode 162 | Navigating The Unexpected
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise shares about her experiences with unexpected events throughout the week. She discusses how unexpected events are a normal part

Episode 161 | The Most Important Boundary You’ll Ever Set
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of setting boundaries, particularly with oneself. This boundary pertains to where one allows their focus to

Episode 160 | The Power of Focus & Time Blocking
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise, discusses the importance of time blocking and intentional focus to increase productivity and reduce overwhelm. She emphasizes the need

Episode 159 | The Power of Perseverance
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of continuing to make efforts even when we don’t see immediate results, using a personal story

Episode 158 | Leveraging Internal Resistance
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise shares about the concept of resistance and its impact on our ability to pursue activities that bring us joy

Episode 157 | Perpetuating a Culture Of Bullying in VetMed
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the issue of bullying in veterinary organizations. She defines bullying as adverse behavior exhibited by veterinary professionals towards

Episode 156 | What Grounds You?
In the first episode of the Joyful DVM podcast in 2024, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the issue of client shaming by veterinary professionals on social

Episode 155 | How Client-Shaming Is Hurting Our Profession
In the first episode of the Joyful DVM podcast in 2024, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the issue of client shaming by veterinary professionals on social

Episode 154 | Prioritizing Downtime
In this episode, Dr. Wise shares the importance of prioritizing downtime in the veterinary profession. She explains that without regular downtime, individuals become stuck in

Episode 153 | The 5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before 2024
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses five important questions to ask oneself before the start of a new year. These questions are meant to

Episode 152 | When Diagnostics Are Negative Or Normal
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the challenges that veterinary professionals face when diagnostic testing comes back negative or normal. She shares a recent

Episode 151 | Avoidance Culture
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the concept of avoidance culture and how humans have a tendency to try to control and avoid uncomfortable

Episode 150 | Building Confidence
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the process of building confidence. She reflects on her own experience of starting at a new veterinary hospital

Episode 149 | The Impact of Age in Veterinary Medicine
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the impact of age in veterinary medicine. She explores how age can affect the perspectives and assumptions of

Episode 148 | What We Don’t See
In this episode Dr. Wise emphasizes the importance of recognizing that every person involved in veterinary medicine, whether they are professionals or clients, has their

Episode 147 | The (unintentional) Identities We Choose
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise explores the impact of our thoughts and words on our lives and careers, explaining that what we focus on,

Episode 146 | How Compassion Impacts the Veterinary Experience
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise talks about the importance of compassion in the veterinary experience, both for veterinary professionals and clients. She believes that

Episode 145 | What Do You Blame?
Time for a gut check… Do you have the life you want? Are you totally satisfied with your life and career? If not… why not?

Episode 144 | What REALLY Makes Positive Change Possible in Life & VetMed
What’s standing in the way of you having the kind of life and vetmed career experience you want? If you’re like most of us, you

Episode 143 | Someone Wants The Job You Have
Someone wants the job you have. They want those 3 letters behind their name. DVM, VMD, RVT, LVT, CVT, CPM… They hold close the dream

Episode 142 | (Human) Death in VetMed [TRIGGER WARNING]
Trigger Warning… this week on the podcast I tackled some very sensitive topics. There are some hard truths in veterinary medicine about what we are

Episode 141 | The (Limiting) Stories We Tell About VetMed & Life
I’m wondering… what’s the story you tell about your life as a veterinary professional? What I mean is, what are the first things that come

Episode 140 | Do Vet Techs Really Make Things Easier?
Do you want to experience job satisfaction, wellbeing and a sustainable work load? No matter what role you hold in Vet Med, it’s very difficult

Episode 139 | Taking Time To Celebrate
Our world is a whirlwind of busyness. In VetMed we race from appointment to appointment for hours each day. Other aspects of our lives often

Episode 138 | Referral Resistance
The scope of veterinary practice is continuously expanding. We are always learning more about animals, their physiology, and their medical conditions. We are regularly developing

Episode 137 | “I read online that…”
When a client says, “I read online that…” many of us cringe. Dread and frustration often bubble up. We become defensive and impatient. But why?

Episode 136 | Navigating Internal Conflict in Veterinary Hospitals
Internal conflict in veterinary hospitals is a very common occurrence. In addition to being super-uncomfortable to witness, it also has a very real and negative

Episode 135 | Talking About Money in Vet Med
Money… It’s an inevitable component of the practice of veterinary medicine, and a potential source of anxiety for everyone involved. As veterinary professionals, many of

Episode 134 | How to Stop Giving All Your Time to VetMed
When it comes down to it, creating balance in your life is simply math. We all have the same number of hours in a week…

Episode 133 | Us Against Them in VetMed and Life
Who are you fighting against? Where is the need to be “right” popping up in your world? In what ways do you sit in judgment

Episode 132 | The Real Impact of the “Not Enough Time” Lie in VetMed & Life
“I just don’t have time.” When was the last time you said that? How often do you use it to justify a decision? Are you

Episode 131 | Negativity, Positivity & Optimism: Why your future depends on the choice you make today
Most of us don’t enjoy being around negative people… … but we don’t recognize we’re one of them ourselves. We want to embrace a positive

Episode 130 | Starting over
When we are unhappy or discontent in veterinary medicine, or any area of our lives, we begin searching for the cause. We then draw conclusions

Episode 129 | Job Hopping: A Common Coping Mechanism in Vet Med
Hopping from job to job is a common coping mechanism in Vet Med. When we hit the breaking point of discomfort in our current jobs,

Episode 128 | React or Respond? How Your Emotional Wellbeing Depends On Your Choice
Did you know that reacting and responding are actually two different things? Not only that, our emotional experience of any situation depends on which path

Episode 127 | The Corporate Divide in Vet Med: True Threat or Fabricated Foe?
Corporate veterinary practice is a common villain of choice for veterinary professionals… especially those who have had a bad experience working for a corporation. The

Episode 126 | Client Interactions in Vet Med- The Common Ground Most Of Us Miss
In Veterinary Medicine, our client interactions often end up in “us against them”… especially when the interaction is emotionally charged or perceived as negative or

Episode 125 | It’s Not About You (and, it’s always about you, 100% of the time)
“It’s not about you.” That phrase rings true and is very helpful to remember when we are interacting with people or experiencing circumstances that are

Episode 124 | How Vet School Sets Us Up To Fail (and why we keep repeating the pattern)
When you take a bunch of smart people, enroll them in a professional program, and then tell them that their chosen career puts them at

Episode 123 | Considering a VetMed Job Change? Listen To This First! PART 2
The decisions we make exclusively from our emotional experience often do not create the results we ultimately want. We make decisions this way because we

Episode 122 | Considering a VetMed Job Change? Listen To This First! PART 1
Thinking about quitting Vet Med? You aren’t alone. Thoughts of leaving this sh*twshow behind are pretty common for a lot of us. Ya, Really! But,

Episode 121 | Cannibalism Among Veterinary Professionals
The veterinary environment can be rough. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. We often blame the clients, and their behavior, for our experience. But, it doesn’t start there.

Episode 120 | Vet Med Joy Stealers- Part 3
How’s your mood? Think back over the last several days, weeks, or even months… How have you been feeling? These may seem like random questions,

Episode 119 | Vet Med Joy Stealers- Part 2
How are you choosing your clients? Are you intentionally cultivating the clientele you serve? Or, are you just accepting every potential client who seeks your

Episode 118 | Vet Med Joy Stealers- Part 1
Vet Med is an interesting career. Often a Love / Hate relationship. Spectacularly rewarding, and crushingly devastating all at the same time. The events that

Episode 117 | Yes, No & Prioritizing What You Want
Scenario: You’re asked a yes-or-no question. How do you respond? Yes, without hesitating? Awesome! No, without regret? Excellent! No, with remorse because you really want

Episode 116 | How It Should Be in Life & Vet Med
How do you think your life should be? For that matter, how do you believe the world should be? We all have our opinions… …

Episode 215 | Appointment Staging: Why it’s better to NOT try to fix it all in one day
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise introduces the concept of appointment staging, which emphasizes the importance of not feeling compelled to resolve all issues during

Episode 214 | Feeling Stressed? Get the eff off social media!
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the profound effects of social media on mental wellbeing. The conversation centers on the importance of self-reflection regarding

Episode 213 | Staying Empowered in Times of Chaos
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the critical theme of maintaining personal power during chaotic times, a subject that resonates deeply with her own

Episode 212 | The Keys To Happiness In VetMed- Part 3: Empower Yourself
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise wraps up a three-part series focused on the Keys of Happiness in Veterinary Medicine. The third key to happiness,

Episode 211 | The Keys To Happiness In VetMed- Part 2: Drop The Victim Identity
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of shedding the victim identity, a mindset that many professionals may not consciously recognize they embody.

Episode 210 | The Keys To Happiness In VetMed- Part 1: Own Your Emotion
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise reflects on her previous belief that emotions signify weakness, particularly in a profession that prioritizes logic and scientific reasoning.

Episode 209 | The Trap Of External Validation & How To Break Free
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the significant issue of external validation within the veterinary field and provides strategies for overcoming this challenge. External

Episode 208 | How Vet Techs Influence Veterinary Culture
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the critical role that veterinary technicians play in the veterinary field. She encourages listeners to express appreciation for

Episode 207 | TEAM- The Key To Sustainability in VetMed
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the essential role of support staff in veterinary medicine and emphasizes the significance of veterinary technicians, assistants, practice

Episode 206 | The Return of Lucy & Willow [WARNING: Woo Inside!]
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of reincarnation in relation to pets, a subject that may be difficult for those who adhere

Episode 205 | Organizational Culture- Whose Responsibility Is It, Anyway?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the critical topic of organizational culture within veterinary medicine, particularly in veterinary hospitals, which frequently lack a supportive

Episode 204 | You’re Only Human
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the unpredictability of veterinary practice, the impact of human errors, and the unrealistic pursuit of perfection. It emphasizes

Episode 203 | The REAL Reason People Ask YOU About Their Pets Outside Of The Hospital
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the common scenario where acquaintances ask veterinary professionals for pet advice outside of a clinical setting, often leading

Episode 202 | Living A Life Of Personal Alignment
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of living in alignment, which she elaborates on in her bestselling book “Radical Freedom.” Living in

Episode 201 | The 3 Indicators That You’re Headed For Burnout In Your Veterinary Career
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses burnout among veterinary professionals, highlighting three key indicators: consistently arriving early and staying late, skipping lunch breaks, and

Episode 200 | 12 Tips For Navigating Your Veterinary Career
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares twelve tips to inspire and empower listeners in their careers and personal lives. Key points include focusing on

Episode 199 | 5 Negative Aspects of Every Veterinary Career and How To Neutralize Them
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise, discusses five common negative aspects in veterinary careers and offers strategies to mitigate their impact on wellbeing. These aspects

Episode 198 | The First Five Years (critical reminders for newer grads & those who work with them)
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the challenges faced by new graduates in their first five years of practice, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance

Episode 197 | Belief Influence (A MUST-LISTEN EPISODE)
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise, discusses the impact of beliefs on life and career, using daylight saving time changes as an analogy to illustrate

Episode 196 | Being Offended
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of getting offended, particularly when clients do not follow veterinary recommendations. She emphasizes the importance of

Episode 195 | How Tunnel Vision Negatively Impacts Your Wellbeing
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of recognizing the diversity of experiences within the veterinary field and advises against generalizing based on

Episode 194 | Taking Charge: How to Have A Good Day Every Day
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise addresses how to handle a busy, stressful day in a veterinary clinic. Dr. Wise emphasizes

Episode 193 | Are you driving your clients away?
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Website: https://joyfuldvm.com VetMed; JOY CLUB https://joyfuldvm.com/joyclub ⭐Get The Alternative Career Guide for Veterinary Professionals: Create A Career

Episode 192 | Combatting The Sunday Scaries
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the phenomenon of “Sunday Scaries” or “Sunday Blues,” which refers to the feelings of anxiety and dread that

Episode 191 | Navigating Emotion in Veterinary Medicine
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares about navigating emotions in the field of veterinary medicine. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing emotions

Episode 190 | Are you REALLY fine, or are you settling?
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the habit of responding with “I’m fine” and the consequences of not considering how we really feel emotionally.

Episode 189 | It Was Always Going To Happen That Way
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares an update on the Bluebirds that nest on her deck each year including unexpected events, heartbreak and a

Episode 188 | Nurturing Resentment
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the negative effects of harboring resentment in our lives. She highlights five signs of nurturing resentment, and explains

Episode 187 | How Joyful DVM Helps Veterinary Professionals (Who we help and How we do it!)
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise takes shares how Joyful DVM supports veterinary professionals today and provides encouragement for anyone currently struggling in their lives

Episode 186 | Vision Casting & Letting Go
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of envisioning the life one desires and encourages listeners to consider all aspects of life such

Episode 185 | Reclaiming Your Identity
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of identity and its relevance to veterinary professionals. She notes that many individuals in the veterinary

Episode 184 | No Wasted Struggle
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of struggle and its impact on our lives. She emphasizes that struggles are a universal experience

Episode 183 | The Link Between Wellbeing & Navigating Resistance
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of resistance and how it is often mistaken for procrastination. Resistance occurs when we have a

Episode 182 | Time Off, Demons & Personal Alignment Clues
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise shares about the challenge she encountered when faced with unexpected time off from clinical practice. She explains how busyness

Episode 181 | The Positive (& Negative) Impacts of Community
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the positive and negative impacts of community on the lives and careers of veterinary professionals. Dr. Wise defines

Episode 180 | Who’s Got Your Back?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of having a support system and community in both personal and professional life. She emphasizes the

Episode 179 | Leaving Your Mistakes Behind
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the topic of mistakes and how they can hinder our progress if we don’t learn to release them.

Episode 178 | Connecting With What Moves You
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of recognizing and embracing the things that emotionally and energetically move us. Dr. Wise shares her

Episode 177 | Lies About Money That Keep You Stuck
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses six common money lies that keep people stuck. The first lie is that money creates safety, but it

Episode 176 | Navigating Unexpected Change
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses how people respond to unexpected change and shares her own experience of unexpectedly losing a staff member. Dr.

Episode 175 | Cultivating a Spiritual Connection in Vet Med
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the role of spirituality in veterinary medicine and the importance of reconnecting with animals to counteract the demands

Episode 174 | The Formula for Effective Reflection
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise provides a formula for effective reflection. The formula involves asking three questions, and then considering those questions through the

Episode 173 | Chasing Confidence
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses chasing confidence and its impact on our lives. She shares how many people seek external validation to feel

Episode 172 | Staying The Course
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise reflects on the importance of staying the course and not giving up, even when faced with challenges. Dr. Wise

Episode 171 | Choosing Vs. Deciding
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the difference between choosing and deciding, emphasizing that choosing opens up unlimited possibilities while deciding often limits options.

Episode 170 | Refusing Service
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the topic of refusing service to clients who come to veterinary hospitals while under the influence of drugs

Episode 169 | Can You Really Change Your Life?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the idea of whether it is possible to change one’s life. She emphasizes the importance of making small

Episode 168 | Prioritizing YOU!
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of prioritizing oneself, particularly in the demanding profession of veterinary medicine. Dr. Wise emphasizes the significance

Episode 167 | What Are You Committed To?
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise reflects on her 50th birthday, and encourages self-reflection. She poses the question, “What are you committed to?” and shares

Episode 166 | Life Purpose
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the concept of life purpose and its relationship to veterinary medicine. Dr. Wise emphasizes the importance of separating

Episode 165 | Tackling The Fear Of Negotiation
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the fear of negotiation when looking for a new job. She emphasizes the importance of approaching the job

Episode 164 | Energy Vampires: How Individual Anxiety Impacts Teams
“Energy vampires” are individuals who drain our energy and affect our emotions. As a veterinary professional, Dr. Cari Wise understands the significant impact anxiety and

Episode 163 | Getting Fired
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the topic of getting fired as a veterinary professional. Dr. Wise emphasizes that getting fired does not mean

Episode 162 | Navigating The Unexpected
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise shares about her experiences with unexpected events throughout the week. She discusses how unexpected events are a normal part

Episode 161 | The Most Important Boundary You’ll Ever Set
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the importance of setting boundaries, particularly with oneself. This boundary pertains to where one allows their focus to

Episode 160 | The Power of Focus & Time Blocking
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise, discusses the importance of time blocking and intentional focus to increase productivity and reduce overwhelm. She emphasizes the need

Episode 159 | The Power of Perseverance
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise emphasizes the importance of continuing to make efforts even when we don’t see immediate results, using a personal story

Episode 158 | Leveraging Internal Resistance
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise shares about the concept of resistance and its impact on our ability to pursue activities that bring us joy

Episode 157 | Perpetuating a Culture Of Bullying in VetMed
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the issue of bullying in veterinary organizations. She defines bullying as adverse behavior exhibited by veterinary professionals towards

Episode 156 | What Grounds You?
In the first episode of the Joyful DVM podcast in 2024, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the issue of client shaming by veterinary professionals on social

Episode 155 | How Client-Shaming Is Hurting Our Profession
In the first episode of the Joyful DVM podcast in 2024, Dr. Cari Wise addresses the issue of client shaming by veterinary professionals on social

Episode 154 | Prioritizing Downtime
In this episode, Dr. Wise shares the importance of prioritizing downtime in the veterinary profession. She explains that without regular downtime, individuals become stuck in

Episode 153 | The 5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before 2024
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses five important questions to ask oneself before the start of a new year. These questions are meant to

Episode 152 | When Diagnostics Are Negative Or Normal
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise discusses the challenges that veterinary professionals face when diagnostic testing comes back negative or normal. She shares a recent

Episode 151 | Avoidance Culture
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise explores the concept of avoidance culture and how humans have a tendency to try to control and avoid uncomfortable

Episode 150 | Building Confidence
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the process of building confidence. She reflects on her own experience of starting at a new veterinary hospital

Episode 149 | The Impact of Age in Veterinary Medicine
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise discusses the impact of age in veterinary medicine. She explores how age can affect the perspectives and assumptions of

Episode 148 | What We Don’t See
In this episode Dr. Wise emphasizes the importance of recognizing that every person involved in veterinary medicine, whether they are professionals or clients, has their

Episode 147 | The (unintentional) Identities We Choose
In this episode Dr. Cari Wise explores the impact of our thoughts and words on our lives and careers, explaining that what we focus on,

Episode 146 | How Compassion Impacts the Veterinary Experience
In this episode, Dr. Cari Wise talks about the importance of compassion in the veterinary experience, both for veterinary professionals and clients. She believes that

Episode 145 | What Do You Blame?
Time for a gut check… Do you have the life you want? Are you totally satisfied with your life and career? If not… why not?

Episode 144 | What REALLY Makes Positive Change Possible in Life & VetMed
What’s standing in the way of you having the kind of life and vetmed career experience you want? If you’re like most of us, you

Episode 143 | Someone Wants The Job You Have
Someone wants the job you have. They want those 3 letters behind their name. DVM, VMD, RVT, LVT, CVT, CPM… They hold close the dream

Episode 142 | (Human) Death in VetMed [TRIGGER WARNING]
Trigger Warning… this week on the podcast I tackled some very sensitive topics. There are some hard truths in veterinary medicine about what we are

Episode 141 | The (Limiting) Stories We Tell About VetMed & Life
I’m wondering… what’s the story you tell about your life as a veterinary professional? What I mean is, what are the first things that come

Episode 140 | Do Vet Techs Really Make Things Easier?
Do you want to experience job satisfaction, wellbeing and a sustainable work load? No matter what role you hold in Vet Med, it’s very difficult

Episode 139 | Taking Time To Celebrate
Our world is a whirlwind of busyness. In VetMed we race from appointment to appointment for hours each day. Other aspects of our lives often

Episode 138 | Referral Resistance
The scope of veterinary practice is continuously expanding. We are always learning more about animals, their physiology, and their medical conditions. We are regularly developing

Episode 137 | “I read online that…”
When a client says, “I read online that…” many of us cringe. Dread and frustration often bubble up. We become defensive and impatient. But why?

Episode 136 | Navigating Internal Conflict in Veterinary Hospitals
Internal conflict in veterinary hospitals is a very common occurrence. In addition to being super-uncomfortable to witness, it also has a very real and negative

Episode 135 | Talking About Money in Vet Med
Money… It’s an inevitable component of the practice of veterinary medicine, and a potential source of anxiety for everyone involved. As veterinary professionals, many of

Episode 134 | How to Stop Giving All Your Time to VetMed
When it comes down to it, creating balance in your life is simply math. We all have the same number of hours in a week…

Episode 133 | Us Against Them in VetMed and Life
Who are you fighting against? Where is the need to be “right” popping up in your world? In what ways do you sit in judgment

Episode 132 | The Real Impact of the “Not Enough Time” Lie in VetMed & Life
“I just don’t have time.” When was the last time you said that? How often do you use it to justify a decision? Are you

Episode 131 | Negativity, Positivity & Optimism: Why your future depends on the choice you make today
Most of us don’t enjoy being around negative people… … but we don’t recognize we’re one of them ourselves. We want to embrace a positive

Episode 130 | Starting over
When we are unhappy or discontent in veterinary medicine, or any area of our lives, we begin searching for the cause. We then draw conclusions

Episode 129 | Job Hopping: A Common Coping Mechanism in Vet Med
Hopping from job to job is a common coping mechanism in Vet Med. When we hit the breaking point of discomfort in our current jobs,

Episode 128 | React or Respond? How Your Emotional Wellbeing Depends On Your Choice
Did you know that reacting and responding are actually two different things? Not only that, our emotional experience of any situation depends on which path

Episode 127 | The Corporate Divide in Vet Med: True Threat or Fabricated Foe?
Corporate veterinary practice is a common villain of choice for veterinary professionals… especially those who have had a bad experience working for a corporation. The

Episode 126 | Client Interactions in Vet Med- The Common Ground Most Of Us Miss
In Veterinary Medicine, our client interactions often end up in “us against them”… especially when the interaction is emotionally charged or perceived as negative or

Episode 125 | It’s Not About You (and, it’s always about you, 100% of the time)
“It’s not about you.” That phrase rings true and is very helpful to remember when we are interacting with people or experiencing circumstances that are

Episode 124 | How Vet School Sets Us Up To Fail (and why we keep repeating the pattern)
When you take a bunch of smart people, enroll them in a professional program, and then tell them that their chosen career puts them at

Episode 123 | Considering a VetMed Job Change? Listen To This First! PART 2
The decisions we make exclusively from our emotional experience often do not create the results we ultimately want. We make decisions this way because we

Episode 122 | Considering a VetMed Job Change? Listen To This First! PART 1
Thinking about quitting Vet Med? You aren’t alone. Thoughts of leaving this sh*twshow behind are pretty common for a lot of us. Ya, Really! But,

Episode 121 | Cannibalism Among Veterinary Professionals
The veterinary environment can be rough. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. We often blame the clients, and their behavior, for our experience. But, it doesn’t start there.

Episode 120 | Vet Med Joy Stealers- Part 3
How’s your mood? Think back over the last several days, weeks, or even months… How have you been feeling? These may seem like random questions,

Episode 119 | Vet Med Joy Stealers- Part 2
How are you choosing your clients? Are you intentionally cultivating the clientele you serve? Or, are you just accepting every potential client who seeks your

Episode 118 | Vet Med Joy Stealers- Part 1
Vet Med is an interesting career. Often a Love / Hate relationship. Spectacularly rewarding, and crushingly devastating all at the same time. The events that

Episode 117 | Yes, No & Prioritizing What You Want
Scenario: You’re asked a yes-or-no question. How do you respond? Yes, without hesitating? Awesome! No, without regret? Excellent! No, with remorse because you really want

Episode 116 | How It Should Be in Life & Vet Med
How do you think your life should be? For that matter, how do you believe the world should be? We all have our opinions… …